Municipal Compost
Want to help reduce climate change? The City of Beacon-Conservation Advisory Committee is hosting a municipal compost drop off program for your food waste for free. Composting is a great way to reduce the waste burned at the county incinerator, which can contribute to unsafe air conditions.
All Beaconites can use the compost drop-sites located at the Beacon Recreation Center (23 West Center St), Memorial Park (across from Ron’s Ice cream), and Churchill St Lot (near Hudson Valley Brewery). This 6-month pilot program was a huge success and has received funding through 2024! The bins are not available for use by businesses or restaurants at this time.
Please help by providing us with feedback on your experience! For even more information, visit the City of Beacon Website. Please watch our “how to compost” videos starring Beacon students, parent, teacher, the Mayor and a whole bunch of compost!
Starting in 2024, the compost program no longer accepts “compostable plastics” such as bin liners, compostable bags, utensils or containers. Bamboo based utensils are acceptable. We ask that pizza boxes be shredded up and other cardboard boxes go into your single stream recycling container. Packing tape and labels are not compostable.
Local Recycling 101
Proper waste management starts at home. Recycling contamination remains a problem at processing sites across the country as well as our own backyard. The GBC asks households to do their part in reducing contamination. Take 2 minutes to watch the Republic Recycling Service - Recycling Simplified video on easy step we all can take today!
DON’T BAG IT: Throw your items into the bin loose. Please do not dispose of plastic bags in your bin. Save them in the kitchen and reuse them over and over. When they are no longer useful, drop the off at collection bins at Key Food and the Farmer Market.
CLEAN: Increasing costs to clean recyclables hurts the future of recycling. Food is a major contributor to contamination at processing plants. Please remove food, rinse and dry all item before disposing in your bin. Re-cap your items too, loose caps are also considered a contaminant.
WHEN IN DOUBT, THROW IT OUT: Use the Recycling Simplified guide from our local Republic Services processing center on RT 52 to help you decide. If you are still not sure, throw it out in the regular trash. If you choose to support a delicious local restaurant, use this take-out guide to help dispose of the container.
New recycling can stickers are available for pick up at City Hall during normal business hours. Ask for an extra sticker to bring to a family member or neighbor.
Environmental Citizen Soapbox
Soapbox is a community event where citizens and candidates/officials share their concerns regarding local and regional environmental issues, discuss solutions and build coalitions. Everybody can sign up to speak for 3 min.
Beacon Earth Day
The GBC along with the Department of Recreation team up every year on Earth day for a city wide clean up. Year after year 100+ volunteers come together for some Beacon spring cleaning!
Special thanks to:
Mark Price and the Recreation Department
Key Food
Beacon Natural Market
Hudson Valley Brewery
Culinary Institute of America
Barb's Butchery
Drink More Good
Dave Merrill
Fishkill Farms
Glazed Over Donuts
Arm of the Sea Theater
And huge thanks to our volunteer site organizers:
Beacon Historical Society
Mountain Tops Outfitters
Conservation Advisory Committee
Zero to Go
Beacon Greenway Trails Committee
Hudson Valley Hikers
Friends of Beacon Dog Park
Friends of Fishkill Ridge
More information and sign up here.
On October 23rd, 2017 we hosted a community forum for Beacon residents to share their ideas related to the environment, conservation, and sustainability. Over 30 people attended and 16 people spoke. Read the event summary here.
All residents, including community organizations, elected officials, and city council candidates are welcome to speak and share their views, their concerns, their vision, and their work towards creating a more environmentally conscious city. Anyone can sign up to speak for a couple of minutes about related topics.
RSVP on Facebook or email us
Beacon Earth Day Cleanup a Success!
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Twelve businesses donated resources and over 60 volunteers came together to cleanup 7 locations across Beacon, culminating with an outdoor BBQ with music and plenty of high spirits - see photos below. Many thanks to everyone for their time, energy, and resources. We're already looking forward to 2018!
Special thanks go to:
Mountain Tops crew for cleaning up the High School Woods
Beacon Historical Society crew for cleaning up the Madam Brett Homestead
Beacon Greenway Committee crew for cleaning up Rocky Glen Park
Beacon Recreation Center crew for cleaning up South Ave Park
Incline Railway Society crew for cleaning up Mount Beacon
Conservation Advisory Committee and City Council Members crew for cleaning up Main Street
Scenic Hudson crew for cleaning up Long Dock Park
LNJ Tech Services for the PA system
Ella's Bellas for compostable plates and cups
Fishkill Farms for apples
Barb's Butchery for the grill
Hudson Valley Seed for gloves and supplies
Peoples Bicycle for free tuneups
Thomas Rigney for playing his great original music
Zero to Go for cleanup supplies
Drink More Good for ice