Sourced from DEC
Natural Resources Inventory
The City of Beacon’s Conservation Advisory Committee is currently writhing a Natural Resources Inventory, which is an inventory and assessment of the current state of nature in Beacon, New York, from soil types to air quality to endangered species. Each section of the NRI will focus on a different natural element in Beacon (e.g., water resources or habitat/biodiversity).
Within each section, a map is accompanied by text that interprets the map and provides additional information on that element of our environment. This includes why the natural resource is relevant to Beacon, and implications for decision-making. The goal of the NRI is to provide a useful snapshot of Beacon’s natural resources to citizens, policy-makers, and other stakeholders. Beacon’s NRI will be a resource for the city, its various committees (such as the Planning Board), elected officials, and the community at large. Once completed, the NRI can be used as the basis for an Open Space Plan, with the hope that Beacon will strive to conserve more green spaces and natural habitats. The work is being done by a committee of volunteer residents and members of the Conservation Advisory Committee.
Courtesy Lean Energy U.S.
Hudson Valley Community Power
We're thrilled that Beacon's City Council voted to join a Community Choice Aggregation. Many residents expressed their support for renewable energy at the public hearing. CCAs pool electric utility accounts of residents to gain bargaining power in negotiating energy supply agreements. CCAs facilitate cost savings, price stability, renewable energy development, implementation of community-wide energy initiatives and local economic growth. Check out their website here.
Energize NY in Beacon
With the support of Beacon's City Council and Conservation Advisory Committee, Energize NY is now available to homeowners. Energize NY a community-based energy efficiency program operating within the Energy Improvement Corp (EIC), a New York State local development corporation. Beacon homeowners are encouraged to visit Mid-Hudson Energy Choices to receive a free energy assessment and learn if they qualify for subsidized home improvements.
Courtesy Beacon Reimagined
Beacon Greenway
The Beacon Greenway is the vision for a nature path along the Fishkill Creek. It is part of the city's Comprehensive Plan and is in its early stages of development. Once completed it will connect Long Dock Park with the east end of Main Street and beyond to Fishkill with trail-heads, points-of-interest, and many other interesting details that would make this trail a unique feature of Beacon.
Photo courtesy Hudson Valley Seed
Hudson Valley Seed
Hudson Valley Seed is based in Beacon and many of our friends are involved with this important organization. HVS educates children in school gardens, empowering students through curriculum-integrated lessons focused on healthy eating, food literacy, outdoor learning, and academic success. Visit their site to learn more.